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{{ dynamicQuantity.value }}
  • Screen type: IPS Panel
  • Aspect ratio: 16:10
  • Resolution: 1280 x 800 (HD)
  • Dimensions: 187mm (W) x 268mm (H) x 31mm (D)
  • Internal Storage: 8GB
  • Cloud Storage: Unlimited Photos | 5GB Videos
View Full Specs |
What's in the box?
  • 1 x frame
  • Power adapter and cable
  • Set Up Guide
  • Infra-red remote control
  • Wall mount screw kit
  • Wall mount guide
  • Adjustable, Detachable Stand
  • 1 x frame
  • Power adapter and cable
  • Set Up Guide
  • Infra-red remote control
  • Wall mount screw kit
  • Wall mount guide
  • Adjustable, Detachable Stand
Yes. There are 2 ways to get photos/videos on your frame: (1) Any person can email photos to your frame, with no account necessary. (2) Share photos or video clips directly from your phone to the frame. For this, you will need to use the Nixplay mobile app, which requires account creation on the sender's part.
Ultimately, yes. But there are some factors to consider (1) The orientation of the photo or picture/video you took (2) How you physically orient the frame. If you position your frame in portrait or in landscape, the content will adjust to suit your placement. (3) There are several transition settings that you can adjust using your remote or mobile app, to give you the best viewing options, taking (1) and (2) into account. Make sense?
No. Nixplay frames display content via the cloud over wi-fi. We do make NIX photo frames, which take USB and SD cards. See amazon.com/nix.
The frame needs to be connected to power to operate. It does not use batteries.

Nixplay Frames are smart frames, so your content must be stored in the cloud for your frame to display content (i.e. there is no USB or SD-card slot from which you can load content onto your frame. The only way is via the cloud).

The frames do have internal storage that (1) hold the on-frame software and (2) store recent photos/video clips that in the instance when a wi-fi connection is temporarily lost, the frame will still display recent images.

In that sense, I'd suggest that the size of the internal storage is less of an issue than the size of the cloud storage (for Nixplay, included cloud storage is 10GB).

Still need help? Visit our Help Center or email us at support@nixplay.com
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One year warranty
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30-day Money 
Back Guarantee
30-day Money
Back Guarantee
One year warranty
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.bg-badge-color { background-color: rgb(247, 247, 247); } @media (min-width: 640px) { .bg-badge-color { } }
  • AMERICA’S TOP SELLING DIGITAL FRAME: Trusted by over 2.8 million Nixplay customers. Make it easy for you and even easier for Grandma – with Nixplay you can send photos and video clips directly to your family’s living rooms, privately – wherever they are.
  • SEND PHOTOS AND VIDEOS VIA: the Nixplay iOS or Android Mobile App, Desktop Web App, Email, Google Photos, Facebook, and Instagram.
  • niX-Family Circles allows you to create family focused playlists that everyone can contribute to. Celebrate and relive weddings, graduations, birthdays, family holidays...
  • niX-SmartFace Framing uses proprietary software and Artificial Intelligence to automatically position people nearer the center of the frame for the best viewing experience.
  • niX-SenseMe is our smart sensor that wakes the frame when you’re in the room and sleeps the frame when you’re not. Upon waking, your frame will display the most recently received photos/videos and will continue to do so even if frame gets disconnected from your WiFi.
  • niX-Spectre HD IPS Display is engineered to deliver the widest possible viewing angle, while still maintaining crisp and vibrant color reproduction of your photos and videos. We know that if an image is even slightly blurred at wider viewing angles grandma won’t be happy.
  • NIXPLAY DESIGN: Wall Mount or Tabletop, Portrait or Landscape our frames can be easily positioned anyway you want, and your content will automatically rotate.
  • PRIVATE, SECURE & TRUSTED: Nixplay’s cloud storage is located on secure, encrypted servers in the USA, so you can rest assured your Nixplay photo stream is secure, private and GDPR and CCPA-compliant. Our Customer Service team is here to help should you have questions about your Nixplay Smart Frame; We have millions of happy users, and we can be reached through phone, email, or chat. Just visit the Nixplay website for more information.
  • RELIVE AND CELEBRATE MEMORIES: Works with Amazon Alexa – just ask your Nixplay frame for the playlist you want.

How It Works

  • 1
Nixplay App
    Nixplay App
  • 2
    Upload your photos 
to the app
    Upload your photos
    to the app
  • 3
    Invite family to join 
playlists with
    Invite family and
    friends to join playlists
    with nix-FamilyCircles
  • 4
    Send new photos 
and videos straight to 
their frames
    Surprise them by
    sending new photos
    and videos straight
    to their frame
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